$157.04 $245.00 CHECK IT OUT

Laser Distance Measurer Offers Extreme Precision

It is not uncommon to find situations when you need to measure the distance between two points. People would use the standard measuring tape, but that might not be accurate. Moreover, it is also very time consuming as you will have to take the measurement more than once. To ensure that you have measured it. You will also need an assistant to help you hold one side of the tape. But, that does not have to be the case now as you can use the laser distance measurer.

The laser distance measurer is a laser beam that can determine the distance from one location to another with extreme accuracy. Hence, today it is being used for a variety of tasks such as measuring land. It saves surveyors from a lot of headaches while offering them extreme precision. Moreover, one can use it for carpentry work. Therefore, the laser is much easier to use than a tape measure.

Moreover, Laser distance measurer provides easy point and shoots measurements. It can send measurements through Bluetooth into the free DISTO Sketch app. The slim and sleek features enable it to take straight line measurements. Along with area calculations to improve your measuring workflow. As well as, With a convenient removable pocket clip, this unit is easy to carry at all times.

Also, it offers many functions like area, volume, two, three-point Pythagoras, and intelligent end piece. The Laser Distance Measurer is a powerful tool in a compact, handheld device. The Measurer is a seven measurement mode LDM accurate to 1/16 of an inch.

Again, it features an intuitive back-lit LCD in a 4oz package that is small enough to fit in your pocket. Flip out the brilliant end piece to 90º to hook onto outside corners or extend the end piece for inside corners.  Thus, the distance measurer will measure from the end of its flip-out end piece when developed.

Additionally, they are a combination of the Min/Max function. The end piece allows you to get the tool into corners for accurate diagonal measurements. Consequently, the Laser Distance Measurer calculates area and volume and remembers the last ten measurements taken. And, this unit contains a class II laser with 1Mw output.

$157.04 $245.00
in stock
March 26, 2025 5:27 am
Amazon Amazon.com
Last update was on: March 26, 2025 5:27 am

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