Keep Messes At Bay And Stay Organized With This Car Seat Protector + Backseat Organizer

Baby books and other parents’ advice will teach you a lot of things. But none will tell you about the never-ending messes as your baby grows into a toddler. You are in luck! This car seat protector will keep your car clean. Leaves you picking cracker crumbs, cereal pieces, and milk splatters off the protector. Rather than the whole car.
When you combine a car seat protector fitted with a backseat organizer. What you get is a piece of ingenuity, designed to make your life easy. Made from quality materials, the seat protector has a super long life.
This protector is easy to install. It will confer protection from spills, stains and scuff marks on your car seat. Your kids are safe with this protector as it has the anti-slip backing.
The car seat protector has a back-seat organizer. Which doubles as a kick protector. It is a five-pocket organizer which houses reading books. Kid play toys and food storage. Additionally, it has a special device holder, your tablets and iPad have found a safe haven.
Unpack and install in minutes. All important gadgets are accessible to your kids at all time. With the attendant dirt’s rolling to the floor limited. Machine washable and water resistant. No more scrubbing and endless washing of car seats.
This seat protector plus Backseat Organizer is inexpensive, saves you the stress of washing. Save yourself a lot of stress and invest in this car seat protector today.